Celebrating a Year of Change

I stepped into the role as your Scout Executive on January 16th of this year. As I reflect on the past 350 days, I am truly humbled by the things we have accomplished. More than 2,200 young people and 1,500 volunteers participated in the life-changing programs of Scouting. Our Scouts and their families spent more than 5,000 camper days outdoors experiencing the wonders that nature and Oregon have to offer. More than 80 Scouts BSA youth earned the rank of Eagle Scout, and our Cub Scouts earned more than 1,000 achievements too!

On November 1st, with the goal of better serving the young people of Oregon, we formally joined the Oregon Trail and Crater Lake councils to form the Pacific Crest Council. As I look in the rearview mirror, I am proud of the many things we have accomplished, together! As I gaze forward, looking (metaphorically) through a big windshield, I see the Pacific Crest Council continuing Scouting’s tradition of instilling values in young people, making a difference not only in their lives but in the lives of their families and the communities where they live.

Scouting Changes Lives – and I am honored to work alongside our board, volunteers and staff in making it happen.

Dave Jarvis
Scout Executive
Pacific Crest Council