Camp cards
Camp Cards are designed to help your unit’s year-round program by providing an opportunity for Scouts to earn their way to resident camp, day camp, or a high adventure trek. The card will include the bonus feature of the digital Entertainment Saver’s Guide, with access to thousands of additional savings! Be sure to register your card and check it out. This program is meant to help Scouts earn their way to summer camp while learning the importance of fundraising and salesmanship.
How It Works
The Camp Card sale is designed to help Scouts and their units fund their way to summer camp, however, the commissions earned may be used as each unit sees fit.
This is a risk-free sales fundraiser. Units check out Camp Cards and at the end of the sale return money and any unsold cards.
Each card sells for $10 and has multiple food, service, and entertainment discounts to use throughout the year. Each card can be registered online to receive access to the digital entertainment book for even more discounts!
Units earn 50% commission ($5) for each Camp Card sold!
There will be four regional cards this year – each one featuring vendors more catered to the local geographic area.
- Oregon Coast
- Willamette Valley
- Southern Oregon
- Central Oregon
Key Dates
Friday, April 4: Confirm or Submit Unit Orders
Week of April 7: Cards distributed
Saturday, April 12: Sale begins
May 24-26: Final weekend for sale
Tuesday, May 27: Collect and turn in money, unsold cards, AND Unit Master Records
Friday, June 6: Last day to return unsold cards and money for 50% commission. Turn-ins after this date will drop to 35% commission.
Sale Incentives
Scout Prizes
- Sell 100 or more cards and earn a $25 Amazon gift card OR$25 Scout store credit.
- Sell 200 or more cards and earn a $50 Amazon gift card OR $50 Scout store credit.
- Sell 250 or more cards and earn a $100 Amazon gift card OR $100 Scout store credit.
- Sell 500 or more cards and earn a $250 Amazon gift card OR one week of summer camp at a PCC summer camp of your choice.
Unit Prize
The top selling unit in each district with full participation will enjoy a pizza party provided by the council! This means that the unit who sells the most cards per registered Scout will receive a party. Each Scout in the unit must participate. Minimum of 25 cards per registered Scout sold. Participation will be verified by the Unit Master Record and unit roster.
Vendors on this year’s Camp Card include:
- Bend Rock Gym
- Big 5 Sporting Goods
- Blockbuster
- Cascades Archery
- Goody’s
- House of Fade
- Jerry’s Home Improvement
- McKay’s Market
- Papa’s Pizza
- Valvoline Instant Oil Change
- Wildlife Safari