
Summer Camps

The Pacific Crest Council offers three amazing summer camp experiences each year.

Scouts BSA Summer Camp

Camp Baker

Our flagship camp located on a peninsula on Siltcoos Lake just outside the coastal town of Florence, Oregon. Experience sandboarding on the Oregon Dunes, canoe outbounds on Siltcoos Lake, or take advantage of the great facilities in camp.
Scouts BSA Summer Camp

Camp Melakwa

Located at the crest of the Cascades offering a “mountain top” experience. Summit the Middle Sister, climb and rappel on natural rock, hike to a nearby lake, or take part in a variety of aquatic activities in our crystal-clear lake.
Cub Scout Summer Camp

Camp McLoughlin

Camp McLoughlin is located in  on the edge of Lake of the Woods. This Cub Scout Resident camp hosts a high-quality outdoor experience for our Scouts that includes a waterfront, shooting ranges, Scoutcraft and more.

Camp Properties

The Pacific Crest Council has ten camp properties located throughout the council, each with their own unique features and amenities. Council properties are available for use by Scouting units, charter partners, and non-Scouting outside user groups.

Camp Baker

Our flagship camp located on a private peninsula on Siltcoos Lake near Florence features several Adirondack campsites, a dining hall, chapel, and shelters, and many other facilities.

Camp Chinook

Camp Chinook is located on the Millicoma River near Coos Bay.

Camp Kitson

Located near Hills Creek Reservoir outside Oakridge, Camp Kitson is a 160-acre camp ideal for weekend camping.

Camp Makualla

On the shore of Crescent Lake this camp sets close to many high adventure opportunities in the mountains of Central Oregon

Available accommodations include camp sites, A-frames, a dining hall, and more!

Camp McLoughlin

Nestled at the base of Mount McLoughlin, this camp is a little slice of heaven down in Southern Oregon. Right on the shore of Lake of the Woods, this camp has prime access for swimming and relaxation with an incredible view.

Available accomodations include camp sites, A-frames, a dining hall, and more!

Camp Melakwa

Located at the crest of the Cascade Mountains near McKenzie Bridge, Camp Melakwa offers a “mountain top” experience.

Camp Mooney

Camp Mooney is a 580-acre camp located west of Winston on Suicide Creek featuring mixed timber, rolling hills, and beautiful meadows and offers a variety of amenities.

Camp Murnane

Camp Murnane is located west of Eugene and is a popular location for weekend camping and skill development.

Camp Sal-Holm

Camp Sal-Holm is a hike-in camp located east of Lakeside on Tenmile Lakes.

Weyerhaeuser Woods

Weyerhaeuser Woods is a primitive campsite located east of Jasper on Little Fall Creek in partnership with Weyerhaeuser and features open and wooded camping areas and river access.

Camp Staff

In 2025, Pacific Crest Council is hiring for three resident camps, each starting with Staff Training Week

  • At Camp Baker in the Oregon Dunes, Scouts BSA staff works from June 22 to July 20
  • At Camp Melakwa in the Cascade mountains, Scouts BSA staff works from July 28 to August 17
  • At Camp McLoughlin on Lake of the Woods, Cub Resident staff works from July 6 to July 27


The minimum age for paid positions is 16 years old.

Key director positions require a minimum age of 18 or 21, depending on position and responsibility.

Camping Resources

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