camp staff

In 2025, Pacific Crest Council is hiring for three resident camps, each starting with Staff Training Week

  • At Camp Baker in the Oregon Dunes, Scouts BSA staff works from June 22 to July 20
  • At Camp Melakwa in the Cascade mountains, Scouts BSA staff works from July 28 to August 17
  • At Camp McLoughlin on Lake of the Woods, Cub Resident staff works from July 6 to July 27

The minimum age for paid positions is 16 years old.

Key director positions require a minimum age of 18 or 21, depending on position and responsibility.


Scouts 15 years old (as of July 1) can be trained as summer camp staff through the counselor-in-training (CIT) program by volunteering for two or more weeks, experiencing what it is like to work at summer camp. At Pacific Crest Council camps, CITs must attend staff orientation and other mandatory camp trainings.

Adult Volunteers

To help supplement the camp staff, we welcome volunteers over the age of 18 to give their time and expertise to one or more weeks during the summer. Positions may include serving as a commissioner, health officer, assistant ranger, camp chaplain, super-troop leader, and more. All camp positions start by submitting this form.


Saturday, March 1st
10:00am – 12:00 PM
Bend, OR

Friday March 7th
7:00pm – 9:00 PM
Central Point Scout Office

Saturday, March 8th
10:00am – 12:00 PM
Eugene Scout Office

Staff Application

Complete a camp staff application and email it to [email protected].